Ellan Vannin Home offers affordable support for those finding it difficult to cope at home
01624 675820

How You Can Help Us?


Your time resource is of great value to us and we’d welcome your support . We have an active Ladies’ Committee organising social activities and fund raising so please contact us if you think you would like to help make a difference to the lives of seniors.


If you would like to contribute towards the work we carry out on the Isle of Man, a one-off donation can be made directly to the home or contact us if you would like to set up a longer term financial commitment via covenant or standing order.


Please remember Ellan Vannin Home in your Will.
The Home is a registered Manx Charity administered by a Board of Directors who are responsible for ensuring good management.

The current Directors are: Mrs T M Lomax MBE (Chair), J P Coldwell, Mrs S Harper, Rev. Liz Hull, Steven Herron.
Ellan Vannin Home is a registered Manx Charity No.48A and receives no government funding. 

Donations, fundraising and legacies are always welcome. 
Ellan Vannin Home Limited: IOM Registered No.067129C and IOM Registered Charity No.48A